The PrEP protocol requires you to be seen by the prescribing physician every three months to make sure that you are still HIV negative and not having any side-effects from the medication. It’s also a good opportunity to update your physician on your recent sexual activity and get screened for STD’s. The Rod Bragg Music City PrEP Clinic provides a safe place for you to discuss your sexual health with a doctor you can trust.
reminder email because Google sorts it into their “Promotions Tab.”
What’s a Promotions Tab?
Google created different tabs or categories so that all of your new email doesn’t go into your primary inbox. Items that Google considers as promotional go into your Promotions Tab. Unfortunately, many people do not even know that the Promotions Tab exists, so they never see lots of mail that’s important to them–including our appointment reminders!
How to Find your Promotions Tab
The following screen shots show how to find your missing appointment reminders and how to make sure that they appear in your inbox in the future.